
I Opine: Trump, Israel, and the UN: A Love Story

Preface: I am going to call this section "I Opine". In these posts, I will go full out with my personal opinions, and truly give my two cents. Hopefully this will work! Thanks for reading! _________________________________________________________________________ I Opine In this segment of "I Opine" I will be talking about the recent decision by the Trump administration to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. This decision is a faulty, dangerous one. First, I want to discuss how Israel came to be. In the years following WW2, the Jewish people were longing for a home. After being dispersed and nearly exterminated, the Jews really wanted their own place to prosper. This, inherently, is not bad at all. But, as time progressed, we see a troubling move. The US decided to to forcibly take land in the Middle East, and give it to the Jewish people and have them claim it as their own. US soldiers forced people out of the area, and drove them off their land. Thi...

NC Views Inaugural Post

If you've stumbled upon this blog, then welcome! Thanks for finding this, and giving it a shot. On this blog, I plan to discuss matters important to North Carolina, and how said events fit in with the US and the world. Along with North Carolina news, I will also be discussing matters which I find interesting. You can expect tidbits of my political views, and views I hold in many fields of study. Pretty much, this blog is a smorgasbord of my head, all laid out on a digital platform. So, please bear with me in the beginning months, as I am new to blogging. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with my potential audience! _________________________________________________________________________ NC News & Views To begin this news, I would like to analyze and discuss a story concerning a deeply troubling topic: opioids. The North Carolina Industrial Commission is considering new rules that would place limits on the amount of opioid prescriptions that injured workers would...